
september 9 at 10 am Cornerstone office

  1. Welcome and opening prayer:  Nancy
  2. Devotional:  Pam
  3. Worship music:  Laura and Pam
  4. Guidelines:  Laura
  5. Faith Statement: Julia
  6. Class schedule:  Nancy
  7. Sign up calendar for discussion leaders:  Nancy
  8. Closing prayer and blessing:  Pam

Lunch served compliments of your leadership team:

Julia Rowe--egg salad

Nancy Stidham--bread and condiments

Jeannine Ebert--on leave

Laura Hughes--chicken salad

Pam Gilman--dessert

2024 fall CALENDAR

classes meet at cornerstone office 10 am

Summer Events

June 17--The Bistro at Annie's 11 am

July 15--Leadership Team Meeting at Pam's home 11 am-1 pm

August 19--Fellowship Pot Luck at Pineglen Clubhouse 11 am

New Class Format

Start promptly at 10 am with opening prayer and DVD

WATCH Session 1--10:00 am—Opening prayer and DVD

SING 10:20—Announcements, Song

DISCUSS Session 2--10:30—Discuss scripture

PRAY 11:30—One minute prayer requests

EAT 11:50—Brown bag lunch

Fall Class: 10 weeks--"Jesus in Me" by Anne Graham Lotz

Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion

September 9--Orientation--Nancy

September 16--Claire 1 Corinthians 12, 13

September 23--Toni  DVD session 1--Presence

Scripture discussion session 2--1 Corinthians 14

September 30--Pam DVD session 1--Power

Scripture discussion session 2--John 14

October 7--Kathleen DVD session 1-- Purpose

Scripture discussion session 2--John 15

October 14--Patty DVD session 1--Precepts

Scripture discussion session 2--John 16

October 21--Julia DVD session 1--Purity

Scripture discussion session 2--John 17

October 28--Ronda DVD session 1--Priority

Scripture discussion session 2--1 John 3 

November 4--Cancelled due to snow

November 11--Pam DVD session 1--Person

Scripture discussion session 2 on Discernment 1 John 4, Faith 1 John 5

December 9 Christmas Party 11 am

at Pine Glen Club House on Show Low Lake Road.

spring 2025 calendar

Classes meet at Cornerstone office 10:30 am

January 13 Fellowship

February 10 Fellowship

March 10 Orientation

March 17-May 5--Spring Class

May 12 Fellowship

June 23 Fellowship

July 21 Leadership Team Meeting

August 21 Fellowship

September 8 Orientation

September 15-November 3--Fall Class

November 10 Fellowship

December 8 Fellowship


classes meet at cornerstone office 10 am

Winter Fellowship

January 22 at Red Devil Pizza in Pinetop 11 am

Spring Classes:  13 weeks 10 am at Cornerstone Office

February 26--Orientation--Leadership Team

"Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude" by Leanna Davis $12

Introduction page 8--What to Anticipate from Jude

March 4--Week 1--Office--Pam

Keeping in Truth page 10--Discussion leader--Jeannine

March 11--Week 2--Nancy opens Office

Keeping in Grace page 34--Discussion leader--Patty

March 18--Week 3--Office--Pam

Keeping the Soul page 60--Discussion leader--Pam

March 25--Week 4--Nancy opens Office

Keeping the Spirit page 88--Discussion leader--Julia

*Easter is March 31

April 1--Week 5--Nancy opens Office

Keeping the Body page 114--Discussion leader--Kathleen

April 8--Week 6--Office--Kathleen

He is Able to Keep Us page 144--Discussion leader--Claire

April 15--He is Enough:  Colossians


Discussion--Colossians 1--Pam

April 22--Office--Nancy

Discussion--Colossians 2--Sherrie

April 29--Office--Kathleen

Discussion--Colossians 3a--Sherrie

May 6--Office--Nancy

Discussion--Colossians 3b--Laura

May 13--Office--Pam

Colossians 4--Conclusion of spring class

Summer Events

June 17--The Bistro at Annie's 11 am

July 15--Leadership Team Meeting at Pam's home 11 am-1 pm

August 19--Fellowship Pot Luck at Pineglen Clubhouse 11 am

Fall Class: 10 weeks

September 9--He is Enough: The Holy Spirit




October 7




November 4

November 11 Fall Fellowship

Christmas Party

December 9


February 26 at 10 am Cornerstone office

  1. Welcome and opening prayer:  Nancy Stidham
  2. Devotional: Julia
  3. Worship music: Laura
  4. Game: Nancy
  5. Guidelines:  Jeannine
  6. Faith Statement: Nancy
  7. Hand out books:  Pam
  8. Class schedule:  Pam
  9. Sign up calendar for discussion leaders:  Nancy
  10. Closing prayer and blessing:  Pam

Lunch served compliments of your leadership team:

Julia Rowe--zucchini bread

Nancy Stidham--sandwiches

Jeannine Ebert--BBQ mini weenies

Laura Hughes--fruit and dip

Pam Gilman--dessert