monday marys

community bible study

For 30 years this group has provided ladies Bible study for the White Mountains.  The original study was established at White Mountain Bible Church but it has since evolved into a community Bible study administered by women from various churches.  Explore our history as well as our current plans and feel free to contact us for more information.

entered into glory

Nancy Ann Thayer

Born in Pontiac, Michigan on May 4, 1937

Entered into rest in Lakeside, Arizona on September 8, 2024

9:40 am

We will see her again!


september 9 at 10 am Cornerstone office

  1. Welcome and opening prayer:  Nancy
  2. Devotional:  Pam
  3. Worship music:  Laura and Pam
  4. Guidelines:  Laura
  5. Faith Statement: Julia
  6. Class schedule:  Nancy
  7. Sign up calendar for discussion leaders:  Nancy
  8. Closing prayer and blessing:  Pam

Lunch served compliments of your leadership team:

Julia Rowe--egg salad

Nancy Stidham--bread and condiments

Jeannine Ebert--on leave

Laura Hughes--chicken salad

Pam Gilman--dessert

2024 fall CALENDAR

classes meet at cornerstone office 10 am

Summer Events

June 17--The Bistro at Annie's 11 am

July 15--Leadership Team Meeting at Pam's home 11 am-1 pm

August 19--Fellowship Pot Luck at Pineglen Clubhouse 11 am

New Class Format

10:00 am—Opening prayer and DVD

10:20—Discussion of DVD

Announcements, Song

10:30—Discuss scripture

11:30—One minute prayer requests

11:50—Brown bag lunch

Fall Class: 10 weeks--"Jesus in Me" by Anne Graham Lotz

Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion

September 9--Orientation:  1 Corinthians 12

16 Person--1 Corinthians 13

23 Presence--1 Corinthians 14

30 Power--John 14

October 7 Purpose--John 15

14 Precepts--John 16

21 Purity--John 17

28 Priority--1 John 1:3

November 4 Discernment--1 John 1:4

November 11 Fall Fellowship:  Faith 1 John 1:5

Christmas Party

December 9

Monday marys

who we are

Monday Marys began as a women's Bible study under the direction of Martha Jorden, wife of Pastor Paul Jorden at White Mountain Bible Church circa 1995. Spectacular Saturday was begun circa 2000 to provide fellowship for the women of the White Mountains.  Martha's mentorship continued even after she and Paul moved on to new callings.  The Bible study group continued to meet in various locations around Show Low and used the guidelines Martha had provided and which are the basis for the current guidelines.  In 2015, the group adopted the name "Monday Marys" and elected an administrative team of six women from various churches.  Meetings are held in the Cornerstone Community Church Office.  The group is governed by a set of guidelines established under the current leadership team.


leadership team

providing a safe place to seek God

The leadership team is chosen by nomination and meets as needed to plan for classes.  Team members come from several different churches and assist in leading discussion and moderating the group.  

  • jeannine ebert

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  • Pam gilman

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  • Laura hughes

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  • Julia Rowe

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  • nancy stidham

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  • toni mcelvain

    Emeritus 2022

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  • Kathleen ensman

    emeritus 2022

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  • Judy cole

    emeritus 2023

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july 25, 2022 fellowship

Taco salad lunch

The July Fellowship was at the home of Nancy Stidham.  A former member, Dolly Peck, who winters in Mexico, surprised all of us by coming.  We used to meet at her Lakeside home for August fellowships over the years.  Dolly is celebrating her 94th birthday.

Alta and Laura led us in songs.  We sang "Thy Word" and "Amazing Grace".  Alta sang the first and fourth verses of Amazing Grace in Navajo while Laura played guitar.  Judy shared a devotional titled "He Restores Our Souls" inspired by the 23rd Psalm.

A wonderful taco salad was accompanied by all the trimmings.  Shannon brought scones, bear claws and a stack of pies along with a delicious watermelon.  Pam's homemade salsas were a hit.  Jeannine brought the taco meat and Laura brought shredded chicken.  

Back row:  Pam Gilman, Kathleen Ensman, Shannon Hartle, Susie Dunaway, Barbara Hicok, Laura Hughes, Alta Shneor, Nancy Stidham
Front row:  Dolly Peck, Tani Wong, Cindi Aaron, Jeannine Ebert, Judy Cole

August Pot Luck


Dear Monday Marys

The Theme for our August 19th Potluck Fellowship will be Soup & Salad!   

10:30 am—The Pineglen Clubhouse will be open

11:00 am—Toni will share a devotional and Claire will provide a song

11:30 am—Lunch will be served


Toni will make a large pot of Southwest Soup, containing a lot of vegetables.  It is not spicy.   Bottled water, utensils, plates, bowls, & napkins will be provided.

Bring a Salad and/or Dessert.  Some ideas: 

Green Salad or Cesar Salad

Spinach Salad

Chicken Salad

Pasta Salad

Potato Salad

Macaroni Salad


Waldorf Salad

Fruit Salad

Jello Salad


Cupcakes, cookies, cakes, etc. 


We may need some rolls and/or crackers if someone can bring those.

Pineglen Community Center is located behind Summit Hospital on Show Low Lake Road as it bends toward the dam on Show Low Lake.

Hope to see you there


Judy cole's home

june 10, 2019

Back row:  Pam Gilman, Patty Smith, Betty Perkins, Gail Goddard, Judy Cole, Sherrie Gooder, Diane Francis, Kathleen Ensman.  Front row:  Cheryl Cagle, Diane Majors, Dolly Peck, Jeannine Ebert, Baily the dog.

nancy stidham's home

july 23, 2018

Back row:  Ginny Lewis, Cherice Graham, Joy Fanning, Peggy Graham, Patty Smith, Janet Velikanje, Kathleen Ensman, Cathryn Gilbert, Sherrie Gooder, Jeannine Ebert.  Middle row:  Judy Cole, Laura Hughes, Dolly Peck, Toni McElvain, Nancy Stidham.  Front row:  Ana Maria Holt, Kitty Bradshaw, Jackie Sinclair, Susie Dunaway, Linda Nobles, Shannon Hartle.

Christmas party

Home of Jeannine Ebert

circa 2005

Back row:  Diana Francis, Laura Hughes, Alice Owen, unidentified visitor, Nadine Bishop, Sue Patten, Gail Goddard, Eleanor Sunday, Anda Francis.  Front row: Sherri Vanderkilk, Jeannine Ebert