Bridge builders

Ladies fellowship

The Bridge Builders Ladies Fellowship, founded on April 8, 2022, offers the opportunity to learn and grow together in exciting new ways.  Women of all ages are encouraged to participate monthly in a variety of settings.  Check the calendar for upcoming events.

Ladies trail ride and lunch

A joint event with Vernon Mission and Cornerstone Ladies

Seats are limited for this exciting first time event with ladies and their guests from Vernon Mission and Cornerstone Community Church.  A brief time of worship will be followed by a car pool to Greer and a family style lunch.  There is no charge but reservations are required.  Sign up with Dee Scienski at Vernon Mission or Nancy Stidham at Cornerstone Community Church.  Donation amount is $20.  Deadline to sign up is October 16. 

Why is it free?  We want every lady to be able to participate regardless of cost.  Also, it will be easier to check out at the restaurant.  Those who wish to donate can use cash, check made out to Cornerstone or the online giving portal at cornerstone

What is the purpose?  Bridge Builders at Cornerstone is a ladies group that seeks to connect to other ladies both within the church and in the community. This event will bring together two churches and their guests for worship, prayer, devotion and fellowship.

Why is it called a Trail Ride?  It's a fun name for carpooling to Greer.  If you can help drive, contact Dee or Nancy.

When is the deadline to sign up?  October 16.

What are we having for lunch? A variety of dishes from the menu along with beverage and dessert will be served family style. To explore the menu and resort amenities, go to

sunflower celebration

August 26, 2022

Eight ladies enjoyed the cool mountain summer at Woodland Lake Park in Pinetop-Lakeside.  We walked the beautiful one mile paved path around the lake.  Alta Shneor told us about the Native use of plants and predicted the snowfall for next winter with a wink.  Following a brief program, we  enjoyed brown bag lunch in the large ramada.  Jacquie Thorpe shared her testimony on the theme, "Amazing Grace".  We sang a couple of songs and then drew for a door prize using scriptures about flowers as the way to win.  Barbara Hickok was the winner when the last of 11 scriptures fell to her on the second round.  We were joined by Denise from Vernon Mission and Jacquie's friend Sandy.  As we packed up to leave, a gentle monsoon shower cooled us off.   An  amazing time was had by all.

Bridge builders

woodland Lake Ramada

Back row:  Denise, Jacquie Thorpe, Sandy

Front row:  Julia Rowe, Kathleen Ensman, Barbara Hicok, Nancy Stidham

Not pictured:  Alta Shneor who was sheltering in her car from the yellow jackets who attacked our lunch and the downpour that followed


May 6, 2022

The Ladies of Cornerstone enjoyed a delicious lunch at Licano's Mexican food restaurant and a program which included music and testimony by Robin and Jean Olson.